SIX CORNERS BACKSTAGE GUIDE 7 Lighting Design Point of View Statement “The light in Six Corners can be put very simply: the harsh fluorescent interior of a police office and interview room contrasts with the amber street light lit bus stop. However, this play is also alive and breathing. It is a continuous unwrapping of a story and there is great opportunity for the light to reveal new truth. The way that the light moves and journeys throughout the play is important to me. The writing creates the rhythm of jumping between these isolated conversations and spaces. The light lives realistically creating these individual spaces, but as the play unfolds it also journeys to reveal more than what we think we see in the beyond.” — Alexander Ridgers DESIGNERS’ CORNER: RESEARCH & SKETCHES We asked Lighting Designer Alexander Ridgers to share some of his research images and preliminary sketches of his design for Six Corners. Below are four of his research images, eight of his preliminary sketches, and his Point of View Statement.